Venetia and Christian 2011
I guess the best place to start is with my current work.

I am so lucky to have the most wonderful clients ask me to capture their weddings. I have honestly had so much fun over the last few years and love the fact that I have then been asked to photograph subsequent events in their lives. The celebration of pregnancy and the wonder of newborns. Families as they grow ...

So, lets go back to the start and share some of the beautiful memories I have captured for my wedding clients this year. I always do a pre-photoshoot. It lets my clients get to know me and the way I photograph and gives me an insight into thier personalities to help create memories of their wedding day that are completely personal to them. I give a few tips to make the day easier and teach them the perfect way to kiss for the camera :-)

Artwork - portrait in the Henry Jones Art Hotel, Hobart
Skye Targett
Opportunity of the Treasured Soul, 2010

Wedding images

Wedding images

This is just a taste of my Photography Portfolio. More of my work is on facebook.
